Tools: Procreate, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Sony DSLR, Studio Lights
Google was creating an internal site for their employees and wanted some professional headshots taken for the occasion. I came up with the idea of making them fun, playful, and personalized by pitching the idea of creating illustrated headshots. They were beyond excited after showing them mood boards and quickly signed off on the concept. Because of my background in live news and broadcasting, I knew how to operate the small studio lighting to achieve soft, professional lighting on the subjects. I also have extensive photography experience so I was able to work the camera in such a way that even the more nervous people were very loose and able to get great shots.
I culled through the photos in Adobe Lightroom and then took them into Adobe Photoshop for adjustments and selecting the subjects out of the background. In Procreate on my iPad Pro, I made bright and solid colored backgrounds for each person which I then drew over with a chalky brush to give each one a more hand drawn feel. I asked each person what theme they wanted and ran with it. Overall, there were about 30 unique headshots. This is a collection of a couple to showcase the overall range.